User Guides
IP Detailed Info

IP Detailed Information

The IP Detailed Information page identifies users who have connected with a particular IP and separates them by identity ID, showing each user's connection status and connection history.

아이피 상세 정보

The following information can be found on the IP Detailed Information page:

  • Identity ID List: Separates users connected with the specified IP by their identity IDs and shows their connection status and the number of connections.
    • Identity ID: A value that distinguishes users
    • Block Status: Shows whether the user was connected or blocked at the time.
    • Connection/Block Count: Displays the number of connections/blocks for the user.
  • Identity ID Detailed Information: Visually displays the current status and classification of the specified ID. Blocking and unblocking of the ID can be done here. An ID blocked with the 'Block' action can be seen in the block list at [MBUSTER Management>Policy Settings>Static Analysis>IP Management for Blocking].
    • ID Status: Accessible / Not accessible
    • Category: Regular User / Macro

Method of Assigning Personal Identification IDs: Personal identification IDs are generated based on the currently connected IP at the first connection (if no personal identification ID is present). In subsequent requests, the previously issued personal identification ID is used. Even if the IP changes and the connection is made with a different IP, the personal identification ID remains unchanged.

차단 원인 상세 예시

  • Block Reason Detailed: Displays the reason for blocking when the user is a 'Macro'.
  • User / Macro [IP][Identity ID] Connection History: Shows the connection/blocking history by type for users with the specified IP and identity ID.
    • Connection Time: The time the user connected
    • Identity ID: A value that distinguishes users
    • Connection URL: Information on the URL accessed by the user
    • Request Information Check: Click the View Request button to view the header information for that request.
  • User / Macro [IP][Identity ID] Connection History: Displays all the history of connections made by the user with the specified identity ID.
    • Connection Time: The time the user connected
    • Identity IP: The user's IP
    • Identity ID: A value that distinguishes users
    • Connection URL: Information on the URL accessed by the user
    • Request Information Check: Click the View Request button to view the header information for that request.