Android Agent v4.1.1

Android Agent v4.1.1

⭐️ Agent Requirements: Java 1.8 / Android SDK 21(Lollipop) or higher

NetFUNNEL Agent is a dedicated NetFUNNEL client used to communicate with the NetFUNNEL server. Users can apply and implement various functions provided by the agent into the client application code to apply a virtual waiting room.

Android Agent Flowchart

μ•ˆλ“œλ‘œμ΄λ“œμ—μ΄μ „νŠΈλ™μž‘νλ¦„λ„ NetFUNNEL Agent operates generally as shown above.

1. Before Waiting
  • Before waiting, initialize the configuration information. This process involves fetching configuration information from the NetFUNNEL server and initializing objects based on that information.
  • Use the provided initialization function to initialize the configuration information of the NetFUNNEL agent.
2. During Waiting
  • This process involves waiting at a specific part of the page (view or activity) where you want to apply traffic waiting by exposing the virtual waiting room.
  • Apply the virtual waiting room using the provided start waiting function.
3. After Waiting
  • This is the process after waiting ends. There are three reasons why a user might end waiting: success in entry, failure in entry, or cancellation of waiting.
  • Implement the logic after waiting ends using the provided callback function and completion processing function.

How to Apply the Agent

Step 1. Add the Library

Download the library and add it to Gradle as shown below.


implementation files('libs/netfunnel-android-agent_latest.aar')



Step 2. Initialize Configuration Information

The first step in applying the agent is to initialize the configuration information of the NetFUNNEL agent using the provided initialization function.

Before using NetFUNNEL features, initialize using the InitNetfunnel and InitEum functions.

public class Activity extends AppCompatActivity {
    // ...
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        // NetFUNNEL initialization
        // ...
    // ...
    // NetFUNNEL configuration information initialization
    public void Init() {
            "{Application Name}", // Application name
            "{tenant API URL}",   // API Server URL
            "{tenant NF URL}",    // NetFUNNEL Server URL
            "{nf-setting URL}",   // NetFUNNEL Setting File URL
            "{network Timeout}",  // Maximum timeout for NetFUNNEL request
            this                  // Activity for creating waiting/blocking window
            "{EUM Server URL}", // EUM Server URL
            "{timeout}",        // Maximum timeout for EUM request
        Netfunnel.getInstance().EUMCollectYN(true); // Enable EUM collection

Step 3. Implement Callback Functions After Waiting Ends

When waiting ends in the virtual waiting room, various situations trigger callback functions. You can handle success or blocking processing based on the type of callback function and implement various user scenarios that occur when waiting is canceled by implementing callback functions.

The callback functions are defined in the AgentInterface class, which is an interface for defining actions based on NetFUNNEL control responses. You can inherit the AgentInterface class in a separate class and implement the internal callback functions, or you can implement the internal callback functions from the constructor of the AgentInterface class as shown below.

Implementing Callback Functions Through the Constructor of the AgentInterface Class

AgentInterface agentInterface = new AgentInterface() {
	public void onSuccess() {
	  * Called when entry is successful after waiting ends (or when the request fails due to a NetFUNNEL server issue)
	public void onCancel() {
	  * Called when the cancel button is clicked on the waiting screen
	public void nfLog(String _message) {
	   * Logs recorded in the NetFUNNEL library (used for debugging the NetFUNNEL library)
	   * Example: nfLog.d(_message)
	public void onNetworkDisconnect() {
		* Called when a NetFUNNEL server request fails due to network disconnection of the device
	public void onKeyError() {
		 * Called when there is a key issue
		 * Example: requesting with an expired key, non-existent key, or incorrect key
	public void onBlock() {
		 * Called when project access mode setting is disabled in the SCP administrator console
	public void onIpBlock() {
		 * Called when blocked due to macro blocking setting in the SCP administrator console

Refer to the detailed flowchart of the agent for implementing all callback functions related to entry success.

Implementing Callbacks When Entry is Successful

When entry is successful, implement two things: 1️⃣ Code for entering the target page
2️⃣ Call the completion processing function to return the issued key to the NetFUNNEL server

Completion Processing Function

Function name: NFStop

String projectKeyProject key displayed in the NF console during segment registrationservice_1
String segmentKeySegment key displayed in the NF console during segment registrationserKey_1234

The following is an example of implementing the onSuccess() callback function:

AgentInterface agentInterface = new AgentInterface() {
  public void onSuccess() {
      // Execute the basic control stop function
      Netfunnel.getInstance().NFStop("{projectKey}", "{segmentKey}");
      // Perform activity transition
      runOnUiThread(new Runnable() {
          public void run() {
              Intent intent = new Intent(CurrentActivity.this, NewActivity.class);

Implementing Callbacks When Entry is Blocked

Entry is usually blocked due to frequent macro-like requests or malicious requests with incorrect keys. In such scenarios, you can typically implement logic to enhance user experience as follows:

1️⃣ If you want to stay on the current page, no need to implement any logic
2️⃣ Implement logic to display a modal window indicating that entry is blocked
3️⃣ Implement logic to navigate to a specific page indicating that entry is blocked
4️⃣ Implement logging logic

In cases of entry being blocked or failed, you can implement such logic without needing to call the completion processing function.

The following is an example of implementing the onBlock callback function:

AgentInterface agentInterface = new AgentInterface() {
    public void onBlock() {
		1. If you want to stay on the current page, no need to implement any logic
		2. Implement logic to display a modal window indicating that entry is blocked
		3. Implement logic to navigate to a specific page indicating that entry is blocked
		4. Implement logging logic

Implementing Callbacks When Waiting is Canceled

When the end-user presses the cancel waiting button while waiting in the virtual waiting room, the cancel waiting callback can be called. In such scenarios, you can typically implement logic to enhance user experience as follows:

1️⃣ If you want to stay on the current page, no need to implement any logic
2️⃣ Implement logic to display a modal window indicating that waiting is canceled
3️⃣ Implement logic to navigate to a specific page indicating that waiting is canceled
4️⃣ Implement logging logic

In cases of waiting being canceled, you can implement such logic without needing to call the completion processing function. The following is an example of implementing the onCancel callback function when the cancel waiting button is pressed:

AgentInterface agentInterface = new AgentInterface() {
    public void onCancel() {
		1. If you want to stay on the current page, no need to implement any logic
		2. Implement logic to display a modal window indicating that waiting is canceled
		3. Implement logic to navigate to a specific page indicating that waiting is canceled
		4. Implement logging logic
πŸ’‘ Tip. How to Display a Separate Modal Window and Restart Waiting When the Cancel Waiting Button is Pressed
AgentInterface agentInterface = new AgentInterface() {
    public void onCancel() {
        AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(activity);
        builder.setMessage("Do you want to exit the app or retry entry?");
        builder.setPositiveButton("Exit", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
        builder.setNegativeButton("Retry Entry", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
                Netfunnel.getInstance().NFStart(projectKey, segmentKey, agentInterface);

Step 4. Start Waiting

To apply traffic waiting by exposing the virtual waiting room at a specific part of the page (view or activity) where you want to apply traffic waiting, use the provided start waiting function.

Call the NFStart() function in the code section that exposes the NetFUNNEL virtual waiting room to end-users.

Netfunnel.getInstance().NFStart("{project Key}", "{segment Key}", agentInterface);

Tip. How to Check if the Virtual Waiting Room is Properly Exposed
Setting the entry allowance to 0 means no traffic is allowed to enter. If you check the project key and segment key with an entry allowance of 0 and call the start waiting function with those key values, you can immediately check if the virtual waiting room is exposed.


Object, Class

NetfunnelObjectResponsible for the skeleton of NetFUNNEL functionality and executes NetFUNNEL operations using its functions.
AgentInterfaceabstract ClassProvided as an abstract class to define functions for NetFUNNEL responses.<br><br>Create this object and pass it as a parameter when executing NetFUNNEL operations.
EUMInterceptClassClassWhen using Okhttp communication, you can use the Intercept function to intercept this class and monitor the time taken for network communication.

Netfunnel Function

Receives initialization data for NetFUNNEL functionality and reads NetFUNNEL settings values. Detailed parameters can be copied from the values in the Agent tab on the Console page.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
appNameStringUnique AppName for user application distinctionO
apiURLStringAPI server addressO
nfURLStringNetFUNNEL server addressO
settingURLStringAddress of the NetFUNNEL operation setting fileO
functionTimeoutLongNetFUNNEL operation network timeout setting valueO
activityActivityActivity required for creating waiting/blocking windowsO

Starts the basic control of NetFUNNEL.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
projectKeyStringProject KeyO
segmentKeyStringSegment KeyO
callbackAgentInterfaceInterface defining actions based on NetFUNNEL control responsesO

Returns the NetFUNNEL key.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
projectKeyStringProject KeyO
segmentKeyStringSegment KeyO

Starts section control of NetFUNNEL.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
projectKeyStringProject KeyO
segmentKeyStringSegment KeyO
callbackAgentInterfaceInterface defining actions based on NetFUNNEL control responsesO

Ends section control and returns the key.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
projectKeyStringProject KeyO
segmentKeyStringSegment KeyO

Initializes the Eum function to use the End User Monitoring feature.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
eumURLStringEUM server address (same as Netfunnel server address)O
timeoutLongEUM operation network timeout setting valueO
activityActivitySome information of the device is collected from the EUM collected data, requiring Activity. If not provided, device information will not be collected.O

You can directly set the section start of the End User Monitoring feature using this function.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
urlStringEUM section measurement is managed on a domain basis and displayed on the UI on a domain basis.O

Measures the time taken from EUMBegin to EUMEnd and sends it along with separate collected data.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
urlStringEUM section measurement is managed on a domain basis and displayed on the UI on a domain basis.O

You can disable EUM collection using this function.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
bBooleanEUM collection is enabled by default when InitEum is called. Change this value to false to disable EUM collection.O

AgentInterface Function

Called when a NetFUNNEL response is successful.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired

Called when the user requests to cancel waiting/blocking.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired

Called when a request to the NetFUNNEL server fails due to the network being blocked on the device.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired

Called when requesting with an expired, non-existent, or incorrect key.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired

Called when project access mode setting is disabled in the administrator console.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired

Called when blocked due to frequent requests from macro blocking in the administrator console.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired

Logs are delivered through this function so that the user can understand the internal operation of the library while testing the app.

ArgumentTypeArgument DescriptionRequired
messageStringLibrary operation logO