STCLab Cloud Platform

Member Management

By selecting Member Management from the Profile Icon, you can navigate to the member management screen.
The member management menu is only visible to the organization's owner and only accessible by the owner.

The member management screen provides the following information and features:

  • Member Information
  • Invite Members
  • Grant and Modify Service Permissions
  • Change Member Status

Viewing Members

Upon entering the Member Management screen, you can view the list of members invited to the organization.

멤버 관리 첫 화면

  • Name: The member's name.
  • E-mail: The member's E-mail (ID).
  • Status: The member's status.
    • Active: Status allowing normal login to the service.
    • Inactive: Status where login is not possible.
    • Pending: Status pending acceptance of the invitation email.
    • Expired: Status after 24 hours from sending the invitation email has passed.
  • Services: The number of services the member has permissions for.

Inviting Members

Owners can invite new members to their organization.
The method to invite members is as follows:

멤버 초대 모달

Step 1

Click the Invite Member button on the first screen of member management.

Step 2

Enter the email of the member you wish to invite and press Enter to register.

  • You can invite up to 10 members at a time.
  • Only unregistered emails can be invited.

Step 3

Once the member's email registration is complete, click the Invite button.
Clicking the Invite button will send an invitation email to the registered email.

The invited member can join the STCLab Cloud Platform via the link in the email, and after registration, they can be granted service permissions.


Note, the invitation email expires after 24 hours, and the member's status will change to Expired.

Granting and Modifying Service Permissions

Service permissions can be modified only if the member's status is Active.

How to Modify Service Permissions

서비스 권한 있는 멤버 상세 화면

Step 1

Click the > button in the member list to enter the detailed member page.

Step 2

At the bottom of the detailed member page, click the Modify button for the service you want to grant permissions to. Note, if there are no subscribed services, the service list will not be displayed.

Step 3

In the service-specific permission modification window, you can grant the desired permissions to the member.

Method of Granting Permissions by Service

The method of granting permissions varies by service and is as follows:


넷퍼넬 권한 수정 모달

Selecting a role for a member grants permissions appropriate to that role. Note, if you are subscribed to a plan that does not allow inviting members, you cannot grant NetFUNNEL service permissions.

The role-specific permissions of NetFUNNEL can be found in Role-Specific Permissions Guide.


엠버스터 권한 수정 모달

Grant permissions by selecting a domain. Members can access and manage only the domains they have been granted permissions for. Note, if no domains have been created, you cannot grant MBUSTER service permissions. Please create at least one domain to grant permissions.

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